The Story of Prophet Ibrahim, peace be upon him with Nimrod Ben Canaan, who claims to divinity
Allah Almighty doesn’t support who claim to divinity (wrongfully) with what he challenges them with (raising the dead)
O people of belief How do you think that the Antichrist can do that while he claims Divinity, asking people to worship him, do you not see that you have disbelieved in the Clear verses in the Holy Qur'an, which most definitely denies that, false (wrong) can’t come with the signs of Allah that guide to his ability and Oneness, and he claims Divinity, confirming the words of Allah:
{Say: The Truth hath come, and falsehood can’t create (start something) and will not make it return. (49) Say: If I astray, I astray only to my own loss, and if I am rightly guided it is because of that which my Lord hath revealed unto me}
Almighty Allah [Saba]
Therefore Allah said:
{This is the creation of Allah show me what the ones below him has created, Nay, the wrong-doers are in clear error
Almighty Allah [Luqman: 11]
Even to create flies, because the wrongful without Allah will not be able to bring even one sign of the signs of Allah on his ability and Oneness, no one can bring it but him and if those below him who call people to worship them can bring one of these signs only, then they become truthful about their polytheism, True to the words of Allah:
{Those who you call without Allah would not create a fly even if they all gather to}
Almighty Allah [Hajj: 73]
But those smart Muslim scholars (Sarcastic description) have believed that the wrongful that claim Divinity without Allah can do greater than the creation of the flies, to raise a human after killing him, bringing him back to life even though he claim Divinity (the Imam - peace be upon him - is referring to the wrong hadith about the antichrist, in which he revives a man after killing him * translator) , and then they believed this slander even that it came from other than Allah therefore they find between that and the clear verses of Quran much difference, not only different but the complete opposite, True to the words of Allah:
{Say: The Truth hath come, and falsehood can’t create (start something) and will not make it return. (49) Say: If I astray, I astray only to my own loss, and if I am rightly guided it is because of that which my Lord hath revealed unto me}
Almighty Allah [Saba]
This is a denial that falsehood can resurrect the dead and restore the spirit of the dead back to life after the departure of the soul from the body, when he claims Divinity and Allah declared to them the challenge and told them if you do that then you have been truthful in the claim of falsehood without Allah, and Allah said:
{Is this the talk you deny? (81) and you make hath provided you deny (82) so if it reaches the throat (83) , and you then looking (84) and we are closer to him , but you do not see (85) so if only you were not in debt) 86 ( bring it back if you are truthful (87) }
Almighty Allah
So how do you follow what you do not know to be true in the science of the book of Allah, and you will not be able to bring one proof from the Holy Qur'an that Allah supports the falsehood with his signs to his ability, Say: bring your evidence if you speak the truth, don’t you know that Allah made his signs which cannot be brought by any other than him a proof for his heirs, a proof upon those who claim Divinity like Nimrod son of Canaan, which whom Allah made a King, as this proof came to Pharaoh, and those claimed Divinity without Allah and Nimrod son of Canaan was sayings:
Bethink thee not of him who had an argument with Ibrahim about his Lord, because Allah had given him the kingdom; how, when Ibrahim said: My Lord is He Who gives life and causes death, he answered: I give life and cause death. Ibrahim said: Lo! Allah causes the sun to rise in the East, so do thou cause it to come up from the West. Thus was the disbeliever abashed. And Allah guides not wrongdoing folk. (258) Almighty Allah [Al-Baqara: 258]
Then look to the words of Ibrahim, who argues Nimrod with the true faith, because he knows that he cannot do it and will not be supported by Allah in his claim of Divinity, and no one will be able to do it but Allah alone, or Allah will support those who call for Allah to support them with this miracle, confirming their calling to Allah, but to claim falsehood Divinity and then comes the ability to prove the truth of that calling that he is a god, in front of people, but he will not be able to prove that in the real world, he will not be able to revive the dead, that is why you find Ibrahim arguing him with the true belief and he said:
{When Ibrahim said: My Lord is He Who gives life and causes death, he answered: I give life and cause death.} Then Nimrod said: and now I shall kill this man and release the other to life therefore Ibrahim stopped arguing about the raise of the dead, so that Nimrod will not kill a man without right, and then he argued him with another sign, the sign which is also of Allah’s signs that guide to his ability, and should not be brought by the wrong that claim Divinity, and Ibrahim said:
{Ibrahim said: Lo! Allah causes the sun to rise in the East, so do thou cause it to come up from the West. Thus was the disbeliever abashed. And Allah guides not wrongdoing folk.} (258) Almighty Allah
This is because in order for him to bring the sun from where it sets he has to change the movement of the earth, and reverse its rotation, and then the sun shall come from the west , which made the disbelieve speechless, so look at the words of Allah; which is also the arguments Ibrahim used which are:
{My Lord is He Who gives life and causes death}
Almighty Allah
This is because he knows that the man claiming divinity without Allah, so he asked him for a proof that only can be brought by Allah, and Allah will not support his enemy with it, to prove the truth of the wrong that claim without him, because if he does and he actually revives the dead then that will prove his claim Divinity without Allah, and that is what Ibrahim meant, he knows that the prosecutor of the Divinity will not be able to do it, so look at the challenge of Ibrahim same challenge of Allah to the people of falsehood to do that and revive the dead, then they would be considered truthful in what they claimed, True to the words of Allah:
{Is this the talk you deny? (81) and you make hath provided you deny (82) so if it reaches the throat (83) , and you then looking (84) and we are closer to him , but you do not see (85) so if only you were not in debt) 86 (bring it back if you are truthful (87) }
Almighty Allah
Which is the same argument of Ibrahim to the one who claimed divinity:
{so if only you were not in debt) 86 (bring it back if you are truthful (87)}
Almighty Allah
The truth of the destruction of Nimrod by the plane of torment and not by a mosquito
And Here is Abdul Aziz has brought to you another confirmation for the true scientific statement, with right science and logic in the real world, and Allah did not cut into the land where the village of Lot was, and it was not brought by Jibril until they heard the roosters of the skies, and there is no chickens with the Angels, so leave those superstitions of the interpretations of those who say about Allah what they do not know, but they said that due to the wrong understanding of Allah's words:
{And When our order came we made what was upper down (turned it upside down), and rained stones of baked plantains upon it}
Almighty Allah, [Hood: 82]
Then they thought that Jibril raised the village and made it upside down, but the Imam Nasser Mohammed Yamani gave you the true explanation, if you understand, so we cleared to you that he made the planet above them, which was Beneith it, and it rained down upon them with the stones of clay Massoumeh(covered with metal) which came from your Lord, and it is not far from the oppressors, and it was not raining only on the village of Lot, but also upon all the people of the villages of ibrahim which Allah sent him to and he came to the king who thought that he had the power of invincibility, and claimed Divinity, and said that he gives lives and takes them, and Ibrahim said to him :
{Ibrahim said: Lo! Allah causes the sun to rise in the East, so do thou cause it to come up from the West. Thus was the disbeliever abashed. And Allah guides not wrongdoing folk.} (258) Almighty Allah
And he was followed by many villages on earth and Allah destroyed them with the people of Lot and Allah said:
{Didn’t the news of those before them the people of Noah and A’Ad and Thamood and the people of Ibrahim}
Almighty Allah, Al-Tawba: 70]
And the village of Lot is only one of the villages of Ibrahim those who were tormented, and no one did believe Ibrahim from these tribes but Allah's prophet Lot, peace be upon him and his family, confirming the words of Allah :
{Lot believed in him and said I am an immigrant to the Lord for He is Aziz al-Hakim (26) and we gave him Isaac and Jacob as a mercy from us}
Almighty Allah, [Al Ankaboot]
And Allah made his prophet Lot a caller to the right and made him to Ibrahim as a minister who calls to the right and the Khalil Ibrahim Halim refused to pray with torment upon his people and said:
{Ibrahim said O Lord, make this country safe and avoid me and my descendants to worship idols (35) O Lord They strayed a lot of people, so who followed me is from me and whoever disobeys me , you are Forgiving, Most Merciful (36) }
Almighty Allah, [Ibrahim]
But Allah answered the prayer of his prophet Lot destroying his people and the people of Ibrahim on the face of all the earth, therefore Allah said:
{And When our order came we made what was upper down (turned it upside down), and rained stones of baked plantains upon it}
Almighty Allah, [Hood: 82]
And Allah said:
{And we turned it upside down and we rained upon them stones of baked clay}
Almighty Allah, [Al Hajar: 74]
Which means upon{ and rained upon them } as well as { and rained} and this makes it clear to you the difference between raining upon the whole earth and upon the village of Lot which was included, and Allah made that one of the secrets of the Quran, so it wasn’t clear to you that he rained upon the whole earth so as not to be cleared to people the truth of the planet of torment until only the specified time in the written book comes, in the era of debate before the appearance, and you did not ask what was that which is used to torture the people of Ibrahim by Allah, but the people with the lied stories wrote the lies which were never revealed by the Allah, and because the unknown method of torment upon the people of Ibrahim, it was told by who said that Allah tortured Nimrod by mosquito, which entered the nose of Nimrod Ben Canaan, who claimed Divinity, and then that Nimrod was hit for forty years with the shoe, and then his head exploded and broken the wing of the mosquito and that Allah afterwards offered the choice to the mosquito between the kingdom of the world instead of its wing and she refuses and asks that Allah restore her wing, and then he said if that it was not of the value of a mosquito's wing, and that infidels of them wont get a drink of water , and these stories are not Jewish -made but the stories came to scare the people, but this statement violated the truth of the Quran that is because Allah destroyed the people of Ibrahim with the planet of painful punishment, which rained on the ground and Allah Saved Ibrahim and Lot to the land that Allah blessed for the worlds Mecca
And Allah said:
{And we saved him and Lot to the land which we had blessed for the worlds}
Almighty Allah, Al Anbya’: 71]
Although the stories are clear in the Quran and did not mention but only Lot and his family and Allah said:
{We saved him and his family, except his wife, who stayed behind among the tormented}
Almighty Allah, [AlA’Araf: 83]
But in fact Allah did not perish only the people of Lot, but also the people of Ibrahim and he saved Lot and his family, except his wife was left behind, as well as Ibrahim and his pregnant wife (pregnant with the knowledgeable son) who were saved - Allah’s bless upon him and his family - because the news came while sending angels to Ibrahim and Lot to get out, and told them that torment is descending on each of the villages and even the village to which Lot belongs to, and Khalil Allah Ibrahim said, peace be upon his family and him, that there are good people in the village of Lot (he meant Lot and his family) and the angels replied we know who is in it, and we didn’t find any but the house of the Muslims, the family of Lot and we shall save them all , all but his wife left behind, the important thing here that Allah saved the family of Ibrahim and his wife, and Lot and his family but his wife left behind, of Allah said:
{And we saved him and Lot to the land which we had blessed for the worlds}
Almighty Allah, Al Anbya’: 71]
And here the reader thinks that Ibrahim wasn’t with Lot, but they met at that night, and with Ibrahim was his wife the blessed the pregnant with the knowledgeable boy, which was in its early days and is in his mother's womb, and Allah saved her with her husband, Ibrahim, as well as Lot and his family, except his wife to the land that Allah blessed for all creatures and Allah said:
{And we saved him and Lot to the land which we had blessed for the worlds}
Almighty Allah, Al Anbya’: 71]
And Allah said:
They cried: Burn him and stand by your gods, if ye will be doing. (68) We said: O fire, be coolness and peace for Abraham, (69) and they wished to set a snare for him, but we made them the greater losers. (70) And we rescued him and Lot (and brought them) to the land which we have blessed for (all) peoples. (71)
Almighty Allah, Al Anbya’
Then the torment included all villages of the one who claimed Divinity, the one Allah made him the king of the land, the one who argued Ibrahim, so Allah destroyed him and his soldiers and the villages that followed him and disbelieved in the prophet of Allah Ibrahim, and Allah said:
{And we verily gave Abraham of old his proper course, and we were Aware of him, (51) when he said unto his father and his folk: What are these images unto which ye pay devotion? (52) They said: We found our fathers worshippers of them. (53) He said: Verily ye and your fathers were in plain error. (54) They said: did you come to us with the truth, or art thou some jester? (55) He said: Nay, but your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, Who created them; and I am of those who testify unto that. (56) And, by Allah, I shall circumvent your idols after ye have gone away and turned your backs. (57) Then he reduced them to fragments, all save the chief of them, that haply they might have recourse to it. (58) They said: Who hath done this to our gods? Surely it must be some evil-doer. (59) They said: We heard a youth make mention of them, who is called Abraham. (60) They said: Then bring him (hither) before the people's eyes that they may testify. (61) They said: Is it thou who hast done this to our gods, O Abraham? (62) He said: But this, their chief hath done it. So question them, if they can speak. (63) Then gathered them apart and said: Lo! Ye yourselves are the wrong-doers. (64) And they were utterly confounded, and they said: Well thou knowest that these speak not. (65) He said: Worship ye then instead of Allah that which cannot profit you at all, nor harm you? (66) Fie on you and all that ye worship instead of Allah! Have ye then no sense? (67) They cried: Burn him and stand by your gods, if ye will be doing. (68) We said: O fire, be coolness and peace for Abraham, (69) And they wished to set a snare for him, but We made them the greater losers. (70) And We rescued him and Lot (and brought them) to the land which We have blessed for (all) peoples. (71)}
Almighty Allah, [Al Anbya’]
O Muslims I swear to you by the Lord of the Worlds I am the Imam Mahdi sent by Allah with right explanation of the great Quran, and there would not and will not be argued by a scholar with the Quran who will defeat me, I shall be the winner with knowledge better than his knowledge and false stories, and with better words, I do not say about Allah what I don’t know such as you do with speculation, which will never be a replacement for the truth, and it shall be clear to you through the true explanation of the great Quran that there is in the books of the human stories that has been not revealed by Allah for them, but it is only are really Legends of the people before, and who is truer than Allah with his words, so follow me and I shall guide your to the straight path, my Lord is on a straight path, and beware that you follow me Ensuing blind following, I give one advice, that you think over and over about the truth until your minds accept it, even if the light of Allah lights your hearts and you realized that Nasser Mohammed Al -Yamani truly does not say about Allah nothing but the true explanation of the Quran, and then you follow the truth and leave the science that Allah told you to follow only after you think over and over about, and Allah said:
{(O man), follow not that what you has no knowledge about. Lo! The hearing and the sight and the heart - of each of these it will be asked. (36)}
Almighty Allah, [Isra: 36]
In the sense that Allah will ask you why did you follow the words of Scholars saying speculations, and Allah didn’t tell you that they are prophets who tells nothing but what is true, and then you argue me with what you heard about Ibn Taymiyyah said, and Ibn Katheer, or the Grand Ayatollah Khomeini, O people , I invite you to the Book of Allah and the true Sunnah of His Messenger, I do not know a prophet after Muhammad, Allah bless him and his family, the one who does not speak of passion, and then you argue with me with the statements of your Scholars and your predecessors, and between me and you is the Book of Allah and the true Sunnah of His Messenger, and who grasped the truth he survived and who turns away from them has been seduced and strayed, as if he fell of the sky and caught by the birds or fell by the wind to a low place
Imam Mohammed Nasser Al -Yamani
The awaited Mahdi